Union Jack Gifts / Presents

Posted by smART bookx Stationery on Friday, April 10, 2015 Under: Travel and World Cultures
A full suite of traditional union jack stationery sizes to choose from ...

Above: Journal (left), Notebook (center) and Pocketbook (right)
Below: Project Book


Customer Review (Pocketbook), Dec 2014 "This was a gift for my niece prior to her trip to London. It is a very nice, small note book. It isn't too big, but just the right size to jot down little notes about her trip."

The Union Jack or Union Flag is the official flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is comprised of the Scottish St Andrew’s Saltire,The Irish St Patrick’s Saltire and the English St George’s Cross (which at the time of the British flag’s conception also represented Wales). Ever-popular as an emblem of all things British and Britain, this is our best-selling flag notebook; ironically though we sell fewer in the UK than we do in the USA where it is a favorite among customers looking for British gifts relating to their family heritage. (Not surprisingly our Irish Flag Notebook and Tartan Notebook are also popular gifts in the USA.)

In : Travel and World Cultures 

Tags: "union jack notebook" "union jack gifts" "union jack presents" "union jack gift" 

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